Friday, May 25, 2007

The things that I have lost, and gained over the last two weeks...

In my first two weeks of journaling again, my total weight loss is nine pounds. (That's right, I'm up a pound). But even though I believed that weight loss was the first, and primary reason to start up again, I've realized that it really wasn't it after all. Even after just my first two days of journaling again, the sense of being in control of my eating, and not letting it control me, was a very freeing thing. And the renewed pride in myself FOR being in control, the pounds really became secondary. Naturally losing some more weight boosted my self confidence, as my clothes started fitting me better. And I've worked out harder in this last two weeks as well, it's like it's all interlinked.
I'm just thankful that my inspiration has been renewed. I'm thankful for the church photo that they blew up and put on the greeting table of me and my boys. For in that, there was a true reality check for me. We have a way of telling ourselves that we really don't look that bad. Especially when we look back to where many of us were a couple of years ago. But you know what? I don't want to settle for just looking pretty good, for my age, for how many babies I've born, etc... I want to look, feel, and be MY BEST.

Thursday's stats: 1,925 calories, 19 glasses of water, 40 minutes on the elliptical, burning 656 calories, and I lifted 61,000 pounds.


Chickadeeva said...

it's like it's all interlinked.

There it is in a nutshell.

There it is.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Nice work, Kristina. We are all works in progress, the key is to keep at it, not to give up on ourselves or go on auto pilot. It is like the screen saver that kicks in when we are not active on our computers. I bump into screen saver mode too often and then nothing gets accomplished and I don't move forward. It is a state of numbness, of unconscience living. A place where we lack awareness, a place where we are not authentic.
Thanks for reminding us of all that this past two weeks. You truly were made to inspire.
