Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Quote of the week...

I was outside working in my flower beds when I struck up a conversation with my 70 year old neighbor, Tom, who was also working in his yard. I stood up, he came over, and this is what he said;' Well, now, Kristina, are you losing weight, AGAIN?... If you lose any more, the wind is going to going to come and pick you up and blow you away'.
Oh Tom, I thought to myself, if you only knew that I still weighed 181 pounds. : )

Tuesday's stats: 1,366 calories, 22 glasses of water, (and I already told you about what I did at the Y in yesterday's post).


Lisa said...

What a sweet thing for him to say!

I don't know about you, but it makes me uncomfortable for anyone to mention my weight, even if it's in a good way like that. I wonder why that is.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Fun, Kristina! Even from an old guy, a complement is a complement!

Keep up the amazing transformation.


Chickadeeva said...

Lisa, I think that in a way, when someone comments on our physical change, we realize that it is a measure; when people, well, MEASURE us.

A measure of any sort implies there is a standard with which to measure. I dunno about you, but something in my humanity squiggles when being measured by ANYTHING outside my own orthdoxies.

I find that it is even used as a controlling aspect by women; "Oh, you're looking so Good these Days" sometimes is tainted with envy, or even feels like a back-handed compliment.

Guys usually ONLY mean it the nice way :-)