Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Eating on the run

I noticed something recently.

For some reason, food tastes better to me when I'm "on the run." I think it's all in my head, actually.

It's almost like I think I'm SO important, I can't even take a few minutes to have a decent meal.

And while yes, sometimes I'm going from one meeting or interview to another, and have to eat on the go, I know it isn't the best thing for my health.

(For one thing, the number of healthy foods one can eat while driving is somewhat limited)

Did you know that in Europe, where people tend to be healthier than we Americans, the cars don't come with nearly as many cupholders? They just don't eat in their cars the way we do!

Does anyone else experience this? I'm having to retrain myself, even at this point in my weight loss journey, that I'm worth the extra time it takes to enjoy and really taste my food - every time I eat.


Chickadeeva said...

I can chime in here - while I was working at Microsoft, I noticed everyone AND myself 'ate on the run' you didn't have time (or want it to be perceived that you DID have the time) to eat properly. It does seem to be an ego thing, "I'm just fueling the machine"...but on the other hand, sometimes with a busy lifestyle, you HAVE to eat that way.

The question becomes WHAT are you eating.

Lisa said...

Where's Kimi with her purse o' treats when you need her?

I also used to be like Elicia was - "too busy and important" to take the time to eat. And then I got over that. I can take 5-10 minutes to sit down and eat like I should, even if occasionally it is in a parking lot or building lobby.

I make sure that I have stuff in the fridge at home which is packed for daily use before the week begins. If I'm "on the run," it will likely be a sandwich, a piece of fruit, and a yogurt - all of which fit into my purse and are relatively easy to eat without getting messy.

If eating while driving (which really can be very dangerous), fruits like apples or pears, or baggies of carrots, shredded wheat squares, or fresh green beans are my favorites.

Mom2the6Rs said...

I understand. I have been catching myself eating standing up in the kitchen, of all crazy things! Here I am, at home, eating as if I am on the run. My thing is loving to eat out. I love Thai food, mexican food, Pho, sushi, salads at Red Robin....I could eat out everyday if my budget and waistline allowed. I need to learn to #1, buy the things I love to eat and keep them well stocked at home and #2, be content to eat here, sitting at the table, not in a rush.

Great post, Melissa.
