Thursday, May 17, 2007

One week journaling again, and I'm down S-E-V-E-N pounds!!!

, originally uploaded by

My eyes about popped out of my head this morning when I weighed myself. I mean, I know that I worked out extra hard yesterday, and drank SOOOO much water, but I was down another three pounds just from yesterday. Seven is a huge number, I am SO motivated again!

Here's my numbers from the last couple of days:

Tuesday: 1,759 calories, 18 glasses of water, and I burned 325 calories on the elliptical, and lifted 43,700 pounds.

Wednesday: 1,359 calories, 20 glasses of water, and a solid 60 minutes of cardio. Between the treadmill and the elliptical, I burned 780 calories, and I lifted 37, 500 pounds.


~Jennifer said...

Wow, Kristina! Great job! Well, I just wrote a bunch that was all about me, so I think I'll delete it and make it it's own post instead of hijacking yours! lol

Chickadeeva said...

Good Job Kris!

You are such a great motivation for the ladies on this blog. You just do NOT STOP!

huge proud
dang - phone is it a telemarketer?