Thursday, May 31, 2007

Maybe if I'm Really Good...

...the pity fairy will put one of these under my pillow.

I have had a couple of horrible days at work, of the variety where I have to remind myself that "we do not cry when we're wearing our grown-up clothes." Home? Not much better. About the only redeeming value to this week is that since Monday was a holiday, it's short. That said, I have to disclose: (1) I set a really big goal for myself last week as far as getting to a regular exercise schedule and kicking myself into gear; (2) after a week, I pulled a muscle in my calf (and also in my hip) doing something unrelated and stupid so I couldn't really walk all that well, much less stick to the schedule; (3) I got discouraged; (4) I had a bad week wholly unrelated; and (5) I went for the cookie dough.

Over the past year, we've all talked a lot about the emotional response to eating - good and bad - and I never really thought much about it. Other than occasionally wanting (but being able to refrain from eating) certain foods after a rought patch, I didn't really connect with the idea because truth be told, I'm an impulse eater, not someone who eats their way through adversity. At least that's what I thought.

So now I'm looking for novel ways to come up with an alternative game plan. So far, I have used the following as proxies: (1) spit-shining the house, (2) washing curtains, drapes, and other things too big for the washing machine but that will fit in the bathtub with detergent and Oxy, (3) leisurely strolling (leg still hurts), and (4) Hugh Grant movies.

I'd love to hear what the rest of you use as stress defusers/distractors. And I promise, I will stop whining and being blue soon. Promise. Promise. So let me hear what works for the rest of you so I can get a jump on that promise.

Muchos besos to my co-bloggers,


~Jennifer said...

Hmmm, good question! It's one of the areas I could really use help with too because I tend to hold onto stress, so much so that I don't sleep at night. If I don't eat it away, I don't know what to do with it.

I've gone and sat in the sun the last couple of days. That's been nice. I've also made myself a cup of tea and taken a bath when I've needed a little pick up. Listening to music with my headphones always makes me feel better too. I've even been known to hop on my treadmill when I'm stressed, but turning to exercise when I'm feeling bad is still not normal for me. ;-)

Mom2the6Rs said...

I try to have one delicious piece of dark chocolate a day. Yum. I weed in my garden or work out on the treadmill or best a good book. BTW, Lisa, I am heading into my summer reading binge, do you have any recommendations?
