Wednesday, May 30, 2007

For Jennifer - the legacy changer

Jennifer, this is the graphic I created for my friend who did the walk last year. I'm posting it here for the ladies of the blog to think about as well.

Thank you so much for your sacrifice of walking so many miles for this noble, important cause.

You are changing the legacy, one step at a time.


~Jennifer said...

I love it! Thanks for posting that. I was just thinking I need to get on the picture taking, but I've been so hot and sweaty the last couple of days, and before that my allergies were going crazy. Maybe I can get the hubs to take a photo tonight!

Chickadeeva said...

Hey, no problem. If you want me to work up some sort of graphic for your page, lemmie know!


Kristina said...

I'm with Elicia. Thank you for comitting yourself to such a great cause. 60 miles is a LOOOONG ways baby!