Thursday, May 17, 2007

After I Post This I'm Going To Go Relax!

I've hit a 2 week slump. I think I've lost one pound total in the last two weeks.

Of course, I have been back to old eating habits, skipping breakfast, running to the deli for dinner because I didn't feel like cooking, and stuff like that. I'm trying to make a few other changes that are not weight related (getting organized, clearing house clutter, that kind of thing) and it has really thrown me for a loop. I was doing okay when I was concentrating on eating and exercise alone, but throw in trying to be a better mom and take care of the house and homeschooling more efficiently, and I lose it.

I have a shaky day planner system in place, and that is helping me, but getting the system up and running requires establishing a new habit which always drains me of so much energy for some reason. I'm starting to feel crazy busy, trying to fit longer walks into my day, wrapping up the homeschooling year which means getting the kids tested, (I love jumping through those hoops!)and stepping up my fund raising efforts.

On top of that, my aunt called me to remind me that my mom's 60th birthday is this year. I told her I had been so wrapped up in my own momentous year, that I'd completely forgotten about my mom. I'll be doing the 3-Day Walk in the beginning of September, and then after that celebrating my 20th anniversary, which has me planning a trip to the Oregon Coast, and then I'll be turning 40, which just has me obsessing about my wrinkles and aching bones. Now, I'm planning a surprise birthday party for my mom whose sister will be flying out from Minnesota for the occasion. Whew! Are you feeling the stress?!

All of this has me running into the arms of the Lord BEGGING him to replace my heart with his. I wish I had been practicing spending more time with him long before now because if I had made THAT a habit before trying to change the rest of my life, I would be feeling peace and serenity instead of the anxiety stew I'm simmering in now. This is good, though, because God knows I need a real reason to change before I get off my butt, and I'm thanking him that all of the STUFF provoking this change is GOOD STUFF and not crises. He is so good, and in his presence I will find peace. Maybe then I'll stop eating everything but the wallpaper.


Kristina said...

I loved the comic you had! And how true it is. I am a total stress eater.

So, wow, you're not kidding when you say you've got a busy second half of the year! And I'd also like to add, congrats on being married for nearly twenty years, that is truly comendable. You were sooo a child bride. You're not even forty yet!

Jennifer, I'm so proud of you for doing this walk. This is a HUGE thing. Just in preparation for it, you will be getting that hiney of yours into great shape. : )

Keep up the good work, and continue to cast your cares upon the Lord. For He is our burden bearer.

Love to you, and I REALLY hope to see you at the Spring Hurrah next weekend!

Chickadeeva said...

I can't tell you how much I appreciate your effort on the walk, and having the kids and and and! Your life is MUCH busier than mine.

I know that God is really loving the special times you steal away with him - and he also loves it when you include him in the everyday thought. I see what a seeker after his presence you are - truly a Mary with a Martha life!

Hang in there - do what is needful - you'll find your bliss!

~Jennifer said...

Aw, thanks guys!

It's funny you mention the Mary heart with a Martha life (I love that!) When I was trying to picture how Jesus would handle my life, I thought, Well, the dishes would be done, the laundry caught up, the yard impeccable, and then I thought NO, that's how Martha would handle my life! Jesus would scoop up my kids, ignore the dishes for a while longer and tell them a story. Jesus would have a picnic on the lawn and start pulling weeds while laughing with his family. He would love the people in his life like there was no tomorrow and he wouldn't fret so much over the laundry. He would smile and enjoy socializing with the other homeschooling moms on our field trips, and maybe invite a family over for dinner EVEN THOUGH the house wasn't in perfect condition.

I'm really trying to cultivate that in myself, but I CAN'T so I need to just spend more time with the one who can. :-)