Monday, June 18, 2007

I've lost EIGHTY pounds!!!

I'm down another two pounds, to my amazement. I hosted a birthday party for my younger two sons on Saturday, and even allowed myself a piece of cake. In addittion to that, I went out to dinner with my hubby on Friday night too. I suppose all of my working out is really paying off. : )
I must confess though, I did hit the 80 pound mark once in December. But I only maintained that weight for about two days, (seriously). And then I started to gain again. Well that's not happenning this time girlfriends, NO WAY!!

Yesterday's numbers:
1,670 calories, and 13 glasses of water. I ran for an hour, burning 856 calories. No weights today.


~Jennifer said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! 80 pounds is such a great accomplishment! You've done such an incredible job.

Chickadeeva said...

Is this the largest amount lost so far?

Who's chasing her?

I'm soooo proud!

Mom2the6Rs said...

80 cheers from me, girlfriend! I knew you could do it.


Amy Witt said...

Awsome!! What a great accomplishment. YOu are the bomb!!! I will be praying for you to keep going. YOU CAN DO IT!!

Lisa said...

All I can say is...WOW!

Melissa said...

That is pretty stinkin' awesome. I hope to reach that mark sooner rather than later! Good job!