Monday, June 25, 2007

I've earned my brown "star" or level at the Y!

I've accumulated enough fit points to make it to the brown level a couple of days ago. You need to have 75,000 points to get to this level, so I'm pretty excited. : ) I'm calculating to reach my next level in 2 1/2 to 3 months. Each level they increase the points you have to earn, so this next one will be a toughie. Anyhow, I don't want to bore you guys, most of you don't even have membership, so you're not even sure what I'm talking about. : )

1,471 calories, and 11 glasses of water. I took a break from the Y today.

1,531 calories, and 18 glasses of water. I did 67 minutes of cardio, and burned 967 calories.


~Jennifer said...

Maybe after the 3-day I'll have to look into joining the Y. I'll need some way to stay motivated.

Chickadeeva said...

Wow - if there is a color star that motivates me, it is brown. (NOT)

I am proud of you for your constant moving forward. Do you just ignore your sabotaging thoughts or what?

How are you staying so solid?

Kristina said...

Well, for starters, I've had a lot of people make positive comments to me at the Y over the last several weeks. Numerous people have seen me working out really hard, and are being vocal about the results that I'm getting. That totally motivates me!
Plus, I FEEL so much better. Physically, and mentally. If I've worked out really hard, it makes me think twice about reaching for the junk food, it makes me weigh the cost. And I'm really and truly seeing, that those doughnuts, or candy bars, or whatever aren't worth it for me. I'm not saying that I NEVER have unhealthy food, but when I have to journal them, and count the calories, it really is different.
I'm so close to my goal, and I just want to get GET THERE!