Wednesday, June 20, 2007

High or Low Intensity?

A really interesting article:

A Case Against Cardio (from a former mileage king)


Lisa said...

That WAS interesting. Makes me glad I'm keeping up with walking everywhere (although now I may simply refer to it as getting back to my hunter-gatherer roots). Add in a little interval training and I should be good to go, right? :)

Kristina said...

That was pretty interesting... Ya know I'm still going to do 45 minutes to an hour of cardio though. I need to burn more than I take in. I'm not planning on doing any marathons though. The farthest I could ever see myself running is a 10k.

~Jennifer said...

I don't think there is anything wrong with training for a 10K and 45 min. of cardio, just make sure you balance that with rest, give your body a chance to recover and rebuild itself stronger than it was before. As with all things, balance and moderation.