Tuesday, June 05, 2007


This sorta panicky moment is brought to you as a stress relief - for everyone on this blog who is worried about the pound (and/or it's friends) that they've rejoined, the water they're retaining, the attitude and outlook of the younger generation, the plateaus they've reached, the stress eating they've done, the half-pound to go, and everything else that claims our time, attention, and energy. It seems like everyone's been getting just a little anxious here lately.

You are all beautiful, fabulous women and I'm proud to "know" each of you. From Jennifer's amazing dedication to Kristina's pure energy, Julie's beautiful spirit to Amy's wonderful sense of humor, Melissa's incredible accomplishments to Elicia's off-the-wall-hilarious wit, SueAnne's unique outlook and determination, everybody here is somebody I feel it is a privilege to know.

So to everyone who is stressed about anything, remember that (in the words of my momma) "all will be well." With such an incredible group around you, how could it not be?


~Jennifer said...

Thanks, Lisa. :-)

Melissa said...

What would we do without the support of others? Sometimes it helps to know we aren't the only one "going through"!