Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Beck Diet Solution

I'm reading a book called The Beck Diet Solution by Judith S. Beck, Ph.D. It's not a diet, but rather a way to train yourself to think differently about food and dieting so that you can be successful at losing weight and maintaining your weight loss no matter which diet plan you choose. This is what I wrote today on my blog about my progress using this plan.

According the program laid out in The Beck Diet Solution, I need to create response cards. These are cards designed to be carried around and pulled out when sabotaging thoughts pop up, things like I just blew my diet with that chocolate cake so I might as well eat whatever I want for the rest of the day. That would be considered a sabotaging thought. One I've had myself more than once.

The first response card I was instructed to create was a list of reasons to lose weight. I'm supposed to read it twice a day and whenever else I feel tempted to stray from my diet. I'm on day 2 of the plan now, so I can't tell you whether it works or not, but it fits in with what I'm trying to do anyway, which is gain more control over what I eat, and change for a lifetime, not just lose weight for an event, only to gain it all back.

This is my list of reasons that I am now carrying around in my purse:
  • I want to feel good.
  • I want more energy.
  • I want a long life.
  • I want to wear cute clothes!
  • I want to be more confident.
  • Reaching my goal weight would be a great accomplishment.
  • No more obsessing over what my body looks like.
  • I want to smile when I look in the mirror.
  • I want to swim in public.
  • I want to be strong.
  • I want to dance without being embarrassed.
  • Clothes shopping will be fun again.
  • Better sex. (I should say even better sex.)
  • I want to be a good role model for my kids and others.
  • My mom will be proud of me.
  • I won't worry about what my in-laws think of me. (Although no one has ever given me any reason to believe they think ill of me, I imagine them thinking, Oh, our poor son married a pretty girl and look at her now. Silly, I know.)
  • I want to be THIN for my 20th anniversary.
  • I want to be a HOTTIE when I'm forty!


Kristina said...

Jen, this sounds like a terrific idea. I really liked the reasons that you wrote out. Thank you for you honesty. : )


Lisa said...

I love the idea of keeping ready-made inspiration on hand at all times. I may have to try it out.

And I too fully intend to be totally hot by the time I hit the big 4-0. :)

Chickadeeva said...

Oh, and by the way - the old dude sitting next to me at the mall said you're a hottie now! (remember?)

~Jennifer said...

Not I? He said YOU are a hottie! My husband says I'm a hottie, but he admittedly shades the truth to avoid hurting my feelings at times. He insists he is not shading the truth about THAT, but I told him, if you admit that you shade the truth to be tactful, how am I to know when you are being completely honest and when you are being tactful? :-D

Chickadeeva said...

You aren't responsible for knowing what the meaning behind what people are saying. You can just hear what they say and decide how you'll shade the meaning! :-)

Anything GOOD is not bad. Enjoy!

~Jennifer said...

lol. Well, I do think I'm a hottie, Sometimes I disguise it well, though. ;-)

Lisa said...

Just an aside, I got called a "Tractor Beam of Hotness" a couple months ago. I think it's from a movie but I didn't ask. Either way, I laughed myself silly.