Thursday, September 06, 2007

Left, Right, Left, Right, Left...

Okay, I still don't love running yet but I'm sticking with my commitment. We have class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, a mandatory long run on the weekend, and a training schedule which requires a social run on Wednesdays and optional run on Friday. In theory, if I just ran in class and blew off the rest, no one would ever know. Except me. So I'm sticking with it.

Last week in class I did fine. I could keep up with my group (which is an intermediate group between the beginning running I signed up for and the advanced running group that's way out of my league) and felt fine. Then came Tuesday, when everybody in my group except me was moved to a different instructor and stayed at the same level. I kept the same instructor but was given a bunch of new classmates who are much better than I am. It was tough to keep pace, but my stubborn streak would not let me come in last.

(Plus, did I mention that these people are running fools? It was raining buckets Tuesday so we just ran a little farther than before. I went home covered in mud and absolutely drenched. I have never run before while going "squish, squish, squish.")

Yesterday I skipped the social run but went to the Y instead where I stuck with the training program. No slacking off. As it turns out, I was more than able to hang with it and felt pretty good running on the treadmill next to people who could only walk.

So, we'll see how today goes, but so far so good.

With my feet to the floor and love to you all,


Kristina said...

Lisa, I'm so proud of you! You sound like one determined young woman!
Keep at it girl, just keep at it.


Chickadeeva said...

Yes, they are fools. Could that be why you've placed yourself among them? "Fools of a feather run together"...

I love the idea of a social run. May be a great way to meet people.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Lisa, I think you are going to get "hooked", just like Kristina. You have the makings of an exercise fiend.
