Thursday, September 27, 2007

Three Guesses What I'm Doing Saturday...

Yup, me and ol' Big Tex will be running our buns off on Saturday morning in my first competitive 5K (all the others I've done have been untimed fun runs).
My goals for the race are to do what I'm supposed to: (1) run my time as negative splits (1st mile slower, 2nd mile on pace, 3rd mile push it, last 400 yards sprint like you're on fire); (2) SLOW DOWN so I can make it to completion - NO sprinting at the starting line, no matter how much I feel like it; (3) run the full race (no walking breaks - I don't really need them); and (4) have fun. My other goal is to finish in under 33 minutes.
My coach agrees that all of these goals are totally doable and that I'm a little ahead of schedule for our class but she thinks I can definitely make it. I told her it never occurred to me that I might fail (I still don't think so). So, wish me luck!
In return, I'll let Big Tex know you said "Hi!" :)


Chickadeeva said...

While it sounds like torture to me, I am so glad you 1) are excited and 2) hadn't had a thought of failure.

I would be 1) devastated and 2) certain of failure and doom.

Mom2the6Rs said...

You go, our little Texan Cutie!


~Jennifer said...

You're on fire! I know you'll do great. :-)