Thursday, September 06, 2007

Quote of the week!

Yesterday I got my hair done, and this is what my hairdresser said upon seeing me;' Wow, you have obviously made your goal! You look soooo great! I did wear my "long and lean jeans", and a nice blouse. But no, said I, I still have about eleven pounds to go. Talk about making my day. : ) I may just wear those jeans every single day now... or, at least until they get too big. : )

Wednesday: 1,569 calories, and 10 glasses of water. No Y today, it was my mom's Birthday and I took her out. AND, not a single bite of chocolate cake! Thank you very much.


Chickadeeva said...

I am jealous. No one ever compliments me :-)

You are a beauty. I'm so glad you're getting some encouragement from people in your world! It kind of 'proves' it doesn't it?

Kristina said...

Yeah, it really does kinda prove it.

And Elicia, I find it really hard to believe that no one ever compliments you... you shapely, sexxy, minx!

Chickadeeva said...

Maybe they are scared of my husband :-)

Mom2the6Rs said...

Good for you, you. And eleven pounds is NOTHING! You are the master of your universe!!!
