Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Fall Frolic event! Saturday, October 13th

Okay, a verdict has been reached. We will be getting together the second weekend in October at the South Center mall Red Robin, around 11:30 a.m., (which is the usual time). We will eat, laugh, encourage one another, and rejoice together. And, of course we will SHOP!
And this being on the Eve before Jennifer's big 40th birthday, we may just have to stop somewhere afterwards and get a couple of Margaritas, and/or go to Elicia's house and do some hot tubbing as she has so graciously opened the invitation to us all.
Hey, does anyone have SueAnne's email? She hasn't been commenting here, so I don't even know if she has a clue that we're getting together.
So, how does this sound ladies? I'm really looking forward to seeing us all together again!


Mom2the6Rs said...

Yippee!! Thanks for moving it! Jules

Kris said...

Have fun ladies!!! Which I lived closer so I could meet all of you great women.