Monday, September 24, 2007

I'm New Here

Hi! My name is Patty and I'm a friend of Jennifer's. We've been on the same e-mail loop for years...since the late 90's! My husband and I will have our 25th anniversary next spring, and we are blessed with seven children, ages 23 down to almost 8. We have homeschooled almost forever...this is our 16th year I think. Wow, that makes me feel old.

When dh and I married, I weighed 140 pounds. I'm 5'11" so for me that wasn't fat at all. After the first two babies, I kept my weight down pretty well but with each subsequent baby I gained 10 or 15 pounds!!! After I passed the 200 mark I recoiled in horror at the thought of stepping on a scale. I think my highest weight was around 235 (yikes!!!) but when Jennifer and I were writing food diaries back and forth I think my highest was 223. Last time I weighed (a few days ago) I was 214. I haven't told dh what I weigh for a very long time. He's a trim 168 and eats whatever he wants. But he does exercise, too.

I try to walk every night, about 2 miles or a little more, fast enough to get my heart pumping. It feels good to sweat!!! I'm thinking of adding some weight lifting or some kind of strength training to my routine.

I still eat too much sugar. Phooey.

I'm looking forward to getting to know the rest of you ladies! I did have dh take some pics of me but that was just'll be a while before I have any "after" pics. I really love seeing all of your photos and how far you've come!


~Jennifer said...

Yay, Patty! I'm glad you joined us.

A little weight lifting is an excellent idea. I got motivated to add strength training to my routine after reading Strong Women Stay Slim by Miriam Nelson.

Can't wait to see your "after" pictures! :-)

I'm off for a walk of my own, cya!

Lisa said...

Yippee, another tall girl!

Hi Patty! I'm Lisa, I'm 5'10" and I love having other tall people around who understand that for some of us, 140 lbs is a size 2! I also eat too much sugar but I'm working on it.

Anyway, I'm thrilled you're here and I can't wait to get to "know" you better!


Chickadeeva said...

Hey Patty!

Welcome to this fun community of support! You're certain to gain at least the inspiration to lose weight here.

Are you chugging water? Do we need to start a new WATER DRINKING A-THON?

Mom said...

I am fairly new myself, welcome and enjoy, this is a nice supportive group.

Patty said...

Jennifer, Lisa, Chickadeeva, and Jan,

Thanks for the warm welcomes! I was being very good about chugging water, but the last few days I haven't been. I'm grateful for the reminder.

We had a 16th birthday celebration here today, so I had a sliver of cheesecake. No ice cream. I really need to walk tonight!

I'll try to get a pic of myself up.

Kristina said...

Welcome Patty! We're so glad to have a new friend to help us on our weight loss journeys. I hope that we will be able to motivate you to get to your own goal. : )

Mom2the6Rs said...

Welcome, Patty!! You are very, very welcome here! I am a short 5' 4" girl, and my goal weight is 140, I started at 232 lbs. and am at 162 now. I have 5 babies (13-4) and I have homeschooled for 8 years now. Yikes! I love it, though. I hope you find the encouragement you need to meet your goals. Sugar is a big scary thing for me as well, I don't really allow it anymore into my world. I would say I am addicted. Anyway, feel free to browse the archives to learn about us all.
