Friday, September 21, 2007

Just feelin'.... perdy

My oldest son took this shot of my "baby" and I today. And even though it's not perfectly clear, I really liked it. The other shots are from July of '05. Just seeing them makes me want to go back to the Y again today. Well, I only did cardio this morning, so maybe I could persuade honey to come and lift some weights with me tonight. : )


Chickadeeva said...

Woah, its like your husband had TWO beautiful wives!

Mom said...

I love seeing the difference in photos! And there is a big difference in you, same wonderful smile, same eyes, but man, you look so much healthier and happier. You could model girl! Hubby's not bad either :)

Kristina said...

Thank you girls! It really is something to FEEL beautiful again.
And Jan, you should see my husband in real life... he really is a fox! : )

Chickadeeva said...

He's almost as good lookin as my hubby :-)

Kristina said...

Well now Elicia, I'd say that's open for debate! : ) Your hubby is defintely handsome... But I think Willem is gorgeous. : )

Mom2the6Rs said...

Cute girl...adorable baby...
