Friday, September 21, 2007

A few things that I'm grateful for

o Having my mom tell me that I look smaller than when I was a teenanger!

o Having my husband be able to really wrap his arms around me when we're hugging.

o Having my dad call me his "hero".

o Having all of my sisters envying ME for a change!

o Becoming an athelete again.

o Having the confidence to look people in the eye when in public. No more hanging my head down out of shame!

o Having twenty-something year olds flirting with me on occasion. : )

o Buying smaller clothing sizes, and looking really good in them.

o Feeling sexxy, even when I'm naked. Not asking my hubby to turn around as I dive into the sheets. (Some of you know what I mean).

o Just feeling beautiful. Whether I'm just in my sweats and heading off to the Y, or if I'm all dolled up to go out.

o Being able to "own" all my accomplishments, and all of the pride that they have given me.


Mom said...

Gee, I got my comments mixed up, but I love your list!! I actually look like my sister now, for so long I thought I was adopted, now we look so much alike.

Jennifer said...

Oh yeah, the sister one! My sister told me I was thin the other day, and when she found out we were wearing the same size jeans she said, "Size 14 is what I'm wearing on my big fat butt!" I wasn't even insulted because I could tell she was thinking something like, "Hey, I've been the skinny one for years! No fair!" She'd better get busy because I'm gonna be the skinny one again in a few months. :-D

Jennifer said...

And I almost wrote the "looking people in the eye" one on my list too. So true!

Mom2the6Rs said...

Nice list, Kristina. Look what you've done for've gotten a degree in healthy living.
