Friday, July 07, 2006

Quote of the week...

My younger sister in Atlanta called and left a message on my voice mail the other day. Upon receiving some recent photos of me in my new outfit. She said, and I quote: 'It looks like we've got to give you a new knick name... Kris- skinny! It is really amazing how much you have changed!' Oh, sisters, sometimes they know just what to say. : )
Anyhow, I haven't recored my calories and such on line for a while because I left like a weeks worth over at Julie's house. So I'll just pick up from this week.

Day 182: 1,569 calories, 14 glasses of water, workout
Day 183: 4th of July, no journaling
Day 184: 1,254 calories, 13 glasses of water, workout
Day 185: 1,374 calories, 13 glasses of water, worked out twice!


Chickadeeva said...

Thinbellina, Twiggy, Kris-thinia, you pick!

Mom2the6Rs said...

I really like Kristhinia.

But don't get the big head.

Way to get back on track after the 4th, babe.

Proud of you. (POY)
