Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Powerful Motivation

Jules asked me if she had scared me away, and I told her I hadn't been posting because I haven't been doing so well and am having trouble with motivation. So, I thought I'd share a post from my personal blog here.

Originally posted on Sob'ah My Soul.

My weight loss efforts are not paying off. I keep losing and gaining the same four pounds. I lose them, my clothes feel a little loser, my step a little springier, and then I relax, let myself have a little "treat". Then after a week of "treats" my clothes are uncomfortable again and I'm berating myself for being so undisciplined.

If only I could find the thing that will motivate me even after I've begun to relax. I need a loud and powerful motivation like Mel has found.

In Body for Life for Women, Dr. Pamela M. Peeke writes about finding the thing that will motivate you. It has to be something powerful that touches on real emotions because late at night when you're looking in the fridge at the leftovers you need something that keeps you from letting yourself have a little "treat". She suggests creating a sentence that begins with "I'm running from,..." and then ends with, ",...and running to,..." So, it's high time I created my powerful motivating sentences.

I'm running from tight clothes that pinch and bind and running to clothes that drape my body making me feel beautiful and sexy.

I'm running from belly rolls and back fat and running to sleek and slender thighs.

I'm running from feeling sluggish, tired, and old and running to feeling young again.

I'm running from frumpy and running to gorgeous.

I'm running from brownies and Doritos for comfort and running to the Lord.


Chickadeeva said...

That is SO great. Changing your language is HUGE. I know it sounds sort of silly at first to some, but once you change your language, you change your thoughts, but more than that - you REWIRE your brain AND subconsciously create what you think.

Its like a stack o dominos. Tap down the language, and then the thoughts will create re-wiring, which will then tap down thought processes, which will then tap down desires to fulfill your thoughts.

Garbage in-garbage out, true, but you can change that formula to

Garbage OUT Gorgeous IN!

Paige said...

Good for you for posting, and being honest.
I hear you on the relaxing... that's my slippery slope. I've found that, at least for now, I just can't relax. I have to do good all the time, because when I take a break even for one meal, well it inevitably turns into more than one meal.

It's so true about motivation. So so so true. And each time I've lost weight, it's been a different motivation, oddly enough. So sometimes, I think, we need to check our motivation and make sure to keep finding it.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Welcome back, girl. Proud of you for posting. You have a lot to add to this group and it is just not the same without you.

I loved your word excersize. Very powerful.


SueAnne said...

I am with Paige and the "relaxing" on a slippery slope. Find a program that you can stick to and stick to it. Does that mean that you will be journaling and counting calories your entire life? Hopefully not. But those of us who have a problem with food (as we all do), just can't afford to relax. SOME DAY you will be able to, but you have to stick to a program for a long while so you can form NEW HABITS.

Really, it is not the occasional milkshake that make us fat. It is the HABIT of unhealthy, overeating. We are all on a slippery slope. Permanent, habitual changes take time. And, eventually, there will be some relaxing. Until then, WE are here for you and in this together. I toast my water glass to you!

Amy Witt said...

Way to recognize and get going. We are behind you as your behind disappears!!!

Pink Slippers said...

I want to read this book, have it on the wait list from our local library. I am following this plan and loving it! I hope you continue to learn and find much success as you learn and grow in this adventure!