Friday, July 06, 2007

My fitness report

Last night I had my fitness assesment, and I have good news to report! The biggest change is that my body fat has gone down another 4%. I am really, really pleased with that. I've surpassed my original goal to lose 15% of my body fat, from 2 1/2 years ago. I've gotten it down 18.2% so far. I've gone from being soooo poor that I was off of the charts at 44.2%, to my new total of 26%. Which, according to the charts, is borderline between above average, and average. But in my book, that is awesome. If I could get it down, just even 2% more, I would be thrilled.
They measured me, as well as use this do-hickey that you see in the picture, to measure your body fat %. They go into the folds of your skin at your tricep, your belly button, where your hip bone is, and the top of your thigh. All of those numbers were smaller. I've not lost too many inches. My bust and my arms are the same in circumferance, but I did lose 2 inches off of my waist, 2 inches off of my hips, and 1.25 inches off of my thigh.
My blood pressure, and heart rate recovery were really good after a short cardio test. My strength, and how many sit ups I could do were also marked as excellent. The only thing that I got a poor score on was my flexability... but I already knew that. : ) Soooo... YEAH ME!

Wednesday (4th of July) 1,640 calories, and 12 glasses of water. I ran my race that day!

Thursday: 1,540 calories, and 14 glasses of water. I did 61 minutes of cardio, burning902 calories, and lifted 12,000 pounds.


Chickadeeva said...

Yay you is right. Wow Kris, you are totally like a poster child for HOPE!

I'm so proud of you!

(ps, I'm down to 154 as of this am!)

Mom2the6Rs said...

You have totally recreated yourself, Kristina. You have literally reshaped your body.


Kris said...

That is so great! You are an inspiration to me. I will be there with you one day. I hope to run at least one race when I get down. Way to go!