Friday, July 20, 2007

I took the plunge!

And tried on smaller clothes. THEY FIT!! I started off in a tight 26-28 4x and now on the tops I am comfortably in 3x. The bottoms are still tight in the 22-24 but they are almost there. I cleaned out my closet of all my winter clothes that will not be fitting this winter. I also went through all my friends clothes that she had given me from all her weight loss. I now have 4 big rubbermaid boxes full of clothes to pass on to others.

It feels good to move on or down I should say. I has been six weeks since my surgery and I have lost 32.7 pounds and 38 inches on my body.


Kristina said...

Good for you Kris! Doesn't it feel wonderful to wear a smaller size? Every time that you go down, it becomes a bigger deal. Keep it up girfriend. : )

~Jennifer said...

That does feel good, doesn't it! You're doing great, and there are many more rewards ahead for you. Keep up the good work and enjoy every one of them.

Lisa said...

Way to go! That's the best motivation I know of - smaller clothes - so I usually have at least one really cute outfit in the next size down that I can look at and work until it fits. I'm so thrilled for you!

Mom2the6Rs said...

Wonderful, Kris! That is such good news! I bet you are pumped. You sound pumped! We are with you, girl.
