Monday, July 23, 2007

Healthy lunch ideas?

Ok. So my one-and-only youngin' starts school in (AAAAHHHH!) two weeks.

One of my (very generous) coworkers has purchased her a $35 lunch box from Lands End and $15 set of two thermoses to go in it!

So I have a daughter going to school with $50 worth of a lunch kit, and I want to set her a good example of packing a lunch. She's not too picky, but I really don't want her eating the school lunches. They may be getting healthier, but I still like knowing what goes in them.

(Which doesn't bother me when we go out to eat. I just thought of that. How odd. But I guess that's another post.)

What do you pack for your kids (or yourself) that's healthy, but travels well and won't "break the bank?"

(I don't want much, do I?)

P.S. I seem to have hit a slight plateau in my weight loss journey. I've been stuck at 159 for the past two weeks. Tightening up my "routine" a bit to see if I can get unstuck!


Chickadeeva said...


I have two girls of school age. They have very different tastes. Their schools also have different peanut policies. Some of their favorites are Tuna, hard boiled eggs, cold cuts and cheese w/ crackers and you have to love the carrot and celery sticks.

It is very hard to keep variety in the lunches, so every now and again (once every couple of weeks) we let them buy the hot lunch.

Good luck!

Lisa said...

No kids, but I pack my lunch every day, and some of my standards are tuna fish (the herb marinated tuna they now sell is yum!), baby carrots, sugar snap peas (I buy them frozen but let them thaw), yogurt, bananas, sandwiches, and a great cucumber salad which is easy to make and fits easily into tupperware. One of the other lawyers in my firm also is rarely seen without string cheese. I'm also prone to packing small bags of peanuts and raisins for desert.

Mom2the6Rs said...

I typed a nice long comment, but then blogger ate it. Love that.

Sandwiches cut with a drinking glass to remove crust.

TLC bars by Kashi are low in sugar and so yummy.

Fruit roll ups that are 100% fruit.

Almonds, Pistachios.

Pre sliced apples in bags.

Watch out for yogurt, most yogurt has more sugar ounce per ounce than Coke.

Gummy Bear Vitamins in lunch would be like getting candy every!

My 2 cents....repeated.


Kris said...

My oldest is starting school soon too. I like the ideas that have been given. I don't have any ideas right now, I will think about it.

We have been going to the free summer lunches and my kids don't like the food, so I will need to pack his lunch.