Monday, July 16, 2007

10 Years Later and You Have My Undying Gratitude

So. I went to my 10-year high school reunion this weekend and everyone decided that I look great. I was feeling a little insecure since I weigh exactly the same now as I did then - I lost the original puppy fat in my first year of college but have since gained it back - but the consensus was that I look fabulous. Everyone thought I lost weight (and I was wearing clothes that are very flattering to someone who went to high school during the garage band craze of the mid-to-late '90s, i.e., no flannel) and I really did look cute, so that's what matters.

It was neat to see so many people I haven't even thought about in 10 years, much less seen. A few of my classmates had lost a lot of weight (I walked up to one of them I hadn't seen in 10 years and, by way of reintroduction, whispered in his ear that I had the overwhelming urge to feed him). Many more had gained weight. But there was only one person who had gained so much that I didn't recognize her. I had shaken her hand and she told me her name, and I tried my best to figure out if I had actually gone to school with someone named Amy* but it wasn't until several hours (and more than several drinks) later at the after party that it hit me who she might be. Several other classmates confirmed it, and even though Amy was thin in high school, she's now literally probably twice as heavy.

So here is my thank you to all of you on this blog. Even though I have been whiny and needy, excited and frustrated, and probably everything else in between about losing weight and getting in shape - thank you to each and every one of you for giving me the support I needed in order to go to my reunion and be told by everyone how wonderful I look. Thank you for pulling me out of my funks and giving me the encouragement so that I wasn't another Amy*. Thanks for providing the inspiration to get me back to this point.

I love you all and I'm so proud of what everyone's achieved here. And no, I didn't think to take any pictures. But I looked great.


* not really her name. We don't want to hurt any feelings on the off chance that one of my high school stalkers finds this blog. :)


Kristina said...

Yah Lisa! I'm so glad that you went to your reunion and that you felt and looked so great. I missed my 10 year, but you know that I went to my 20th last summer. It's 21 years now for me, yikes!
I wished that you would have taken some photos, you goofy girl.
Well, I'm glad you had fun. : )

Chickadeeva said...

Wow - what a wonderful thing to be able to go to.

Melissa said...

That is awesome! I only wish I'd started my weight-loss journey before my 10-year reunion a couple of years ago. I would have loved to look better than I did in high school!

I did, though, go to my sister-in-law's wedding last month and see lots of people I hadn't seen in about five years, and some of them didn't recognize me until my husband walked up.

Which isn't as good as high school, but I'll take what I can get.

Anyway - congratulations again!

~Jennifer said...

I'm glad you had a good time. I was thin for my ten year reunion (many many years ago. lol) and I still had a crappy time. I didn't feel compelled to go to my 20th. Maybe I'll check out the 30th, but probably now.

~Jennifer said...

that should say, "probably not." I have to learn not to comment until I've had at least one cup of coffee.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Lisa, it sounds like you had a good time and a triumphant time. At my 10 year, I had just had my thrid child and I was a large woman. Very large. I can't wait till next summer for my 20th.
