Saturday, February 03, 2007

Starting over AGAIN!

Hi guys-

It has been forever since I posted, as well as being faithful to my weightloss. Monday is a new day. My workout buddy and I are commited to get back to the gym. We are both missing how great we felt when we were commited to working out.

My daughter was sick so much during Nov & Dec, so we went to an Ear, Nose and Throat DR. He agreed that her tonsils needed to be removed. So this past Monday Merissa had her tonsils, adnoids & tubes put in her ears. I have been home with her all week. I went to work for a little bit on Thursday, but the poor thing just wanted to cuddle because she was in pain. Hopfully this will help and she won't get sick so much.

She is the joy of my life and I just never want her to have to struggle with her weight like I have my whole life. My mom approached me saying she feels guilty that she is at fault for my weight issues. I told her that yes I did blame her for the first 18 years, but the last 13 are my fault. I know that raising my child with good eating habits and teaching her to keep active will make all the diffrence in the world. It was almost a weight was lifted off my shoulders when I said this to my mom as for along time I had blamed her for not teaching me, but this was the first time I really took the blame for myself. I have made myself this way and I need to change!

So I am recommited....Thanks for all your post ladies. It makes me feel like I am not alone.


~Jennifer said...

I'm starting over right with ya!

Chickadeeva said...

I suffered from ear troubles as a small child, so I am so glad your girl has tubes! It will help everything flow better and I'm sure she will be so much more healthy!

I loved what you said about blaming your mom for some time, but taking responsiblity for that blame because you continued on even after you 'knew better'. That was a super insightful thing to say. It shows how intellectually honestyou are being with yourself.

That's how come I know you're going to succeed :-)!

Looking forward to more posts!

Mom2the6Rs said...

Welcome back, sweet lady. Glad you are moving on. I wish I had known about Marrissa. I would have sent a card or something....poor sweetie.

Love to you, cousin!

Amy Witt said...

Blessings and congratulations for your recommittment. YOu deserve it and are worth it. Welcome back!

Kimberly B. said...

Welcome back. Sorry about your daughter. I know that when our kids feel pain we do to.