Saturday, February 03, 2007

The long over due new library card!!

000_0069, originally uploaded by

I originally got this card like five or six years ago. I've tried to get a new one a few different times, but they wouldn't give me one. But the lady said I looked so different now, that I did need a new photo.


Chickadeeva said...

oh MY GASP*choke*wheeze*!

You are amazing! Oh MY GAWSH!

That's the face you deserve to have honey. Wolly Golly - what more can be said? You are the SWAN!

Mom2the6Rs said...

That made me crack up! If that photo doesn't say it all, nothing will. This made my day...I am so proud of you.


Tracy said...

my daughter saw your pictures and said who are those two girls?

You are amazing!!!

~Jennifer said...


Amy Witt said...

That is just amazing. IT is like two totally different people. I am so glad they decided to give you a new card.

Anonymous said...

I think that only one word can best describe you transformation!!! WOW!!! You look SO good!!!

Kimberly B. said...

My husband saw your pics and said who is that. That is not the same person. Way to go.

Lisa said...

I love the look of accomplishment on your face in the second picture. You're a totally different person and you know exactly how hard you worked to get there.

How proud of you am I?