Thursday, February 15, 2007

I ran 2.5, and I'm feelin' A-L-I-V-E!!!

victorious, originally uploaded by

I supassed what I ran on Tuesday! I was able to go another quarter of a mile today. 2.5 miles exactly, and I am feeling awesome! I'll be able to get to that 3.1 mile point in no time, if I keep at it. I'm a little anxious to start running some 5k's with my dad.
You should have seen me this morning. I was SOOOOOO sweaty! I mean, I could feel that I was really sweating as I was running, but then when I stepped off of the treadmill, and actually saw my t-shirt... whoa! I probably grossed a few people out. : ) This is the hardest I've pushed myself in years, and it WAS hard. But oh, what a feeling!


Lisa said...

Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Wow, congratulations!! It's wonderful that you keep having goals to hit. How much fun you're going to have running with your dad!!!