Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Maui Middle is disappearing!

I have been home a week, now. When I weighed in last Wednesday, the scale said I weighed 166.8...Yikes! That's a lot of Mai Ti's! In one week of really strict observance, I have brought it down to 162! That is very encouraging to me! I can rejoin "real life" once again. It is amazing what gaining can do to your psyche....I felt a bit defeated. But I am back. My 10's are not so tight and my energy level is regaining momentum. Best of all, I can look back on the week in Maui with no regrets and also with the "truth" that if I do just let my guard down, I really will pay a price.



Kristina said...

That's a BIG loss for the week, honey. Good for you!

BTW, when I see this photo, I feel physical pain.

Kimberly B. said...

I feel pain also. Julie when I say that you are an inspiration, I mean it. No matter how much you gained, you are on track to take it off again and that says alot about you as a person and a leader. I love you.

Anonymous said...

Mine too...Ouch, that skin is a bit stretched :0)

You are so inspiring Julie because you've made it real life. We're going to have those times where we just want to enjoy a little. But you came back and got right back on track and Wow, what a loss. That's a lot. Makes me wonder if it was water weight. I know that I swell in the heat. Congratulations on making it a lifestyle.

Amy Witt said...

He is just gross, but Jesus loves him too!!