Sunday, February 04, 2007

Feeling Great.

Hi gals,
I am doing good on my Prism plan. Today is the end of my week two. I already can put my size 18 pants over my belly. I can even zip them up. But I can not button them yet. I figure by the next two weeks I should have them buttoned up and my pregnancy pants put away for life.

I dream of the day when I do not have to wear my mama pants anymore. I have my son 4 months ago. I am so ready to say bye-bye.

Also, I have been to the Y 5 times this week.HeeHaw. I even went today before the SuperBowl started. I am finally starting to get use to this workout thing. Calories are being burned and pounds are dropping off. Thank God for the little things in life. Talk to you soon.


Anonymous said...

Cool Kimberly, congratulations on getting into a smaller size already!!! It's amazing how "addicting and fun" exercising becomes. I, like you, never thought I'd see that day. I look forward to working out though. It feels so good!!!

Kristina said...

Way to zip up those pants girl! Just wait for the day that they are actually too big, and you have to go down to a smaller size. It'll happen, you just keep doing what you're doing. Way to make it to the Y so much this week too!

Mom2the6Rs said...

Way to go, girly! So proud of you. So glad to see a glimmer of joy in your eyes!
