Saturday, August 18, 2007

There 'aint no stopping me!

I made it 7.5 miles this morning. Again, out doing what I just ran two days ago. I ran a whole half of a mile more. I slowed the pace just slightly, to see if I could make it a bit further. It took me 75 minutes exactly. I don't know how I keep doing this... just when I think that I don't have anything left to keep going, I find a little more. I know that a large part of the reason is because I get to come here and tell you guys. You are my biggest cheer leaders, besides my hubby. : ) You are all so encouraging to me!


Chickadeeva said...

Rah Rah Rah - sis boom bah!

Mom2the6Rs said...

Good for you, girlie! Way to challenge yourself! You are a new woman, that's for sure. Now make sure you are listening to your body and not overdoing. Can't wait to hear of your newest accomplishment.
