Sunday, August 26, 2007

Back from camping!

We got back yesterday from taking our boys on their first camping trip ever. And, oh my word, we had so much fun!! We went to Deception Pass State Park, and the following day, we made out annual trip to Fort Casey. We are definetely going back!
You want to know something cool? As I was reviewing the photos, I didn't find a single "fat" photo of myself. You all know what I'm talking about. The ones that you erase before another living soul ever sees them. : ) Sometimes I still see myself as "the big girl", even though I'm not any more, I'm just average now.
Anyhow, it was nice to be able to hike and stuff without getting winded... I even offered to carry the back pack on our hikes.


Mom2the6Rs said...

Beautiful pics, Kristina. Blake and I just got home from Whidbey too. Beautiful. We had a very fulfilling time. You are no longer the big girl, you are the strong, fit girl.


Chickadeeva said...

You are truly a new creation.

You will never be that other woman.

Now you're the BEST KRIS you know how to be physically - and that is soooooo awesome!

Melissa said...

You really do look great. That's one of the good "side effects" of losing weight - that you can do outdoor activities without fear of collapse!