Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Chugging along

You know how summer is less busy around some parts?

Those aren't the parts in which I work.

We're much busier here at the newspaper in the summer, and this year has been even worse. In addition to my regular work, I've had three specials and a magazine to produce.

Which is part of the reason I haven't posted here lately. The other part? I've stopped.

Dead in my tracks.

Actually, more than stopped. I've backtracked somewhat.

I spent the whole month of July and the first week of August at 159. Then, I gained 1.5 pounds, taking me up to 160.5. Not a huge gain, but a gain nonetheless. And this past weigh-in brought another week of maintaining that gain.

This week, I "feel" like I'm doing better. I know we can't go on feelings, but really, I have been eating better. More fruits and vegetables. More water. More incidental activity (read: extra trips around the store) worked into my routine.

I'll have to wait until Thursday to see if it has done any good. I know we're all in this thing together, but I haven't felt like I "deserved" to post here if I wasn't getting anywhere with my efforts. I mean, what I've been doing is obviously not working - who wants to hear from me?

But, then I remember - this is a journey, and for whatever the reason, we all reach these plateaus from one time to another. The important thing is that we keep going.

The odd thing is, people are encouraging me to not give up, but I don't even know what that looks like! No matter how many people tell me that I look fine, that I don't need to lose more weight, I know I have to keep going and get off this last 25 pounds.

I've adopted the mantra of the Little Engine That Could: I think I can! I think I can!


Kris said...

That is a great Mantra. I have to remember that all the time. It is nice to have encouragement from others. It is hard when we are so busy.

Mom2the6Rs said...

I'm with you, girl. I got down to 160 in February and I keep going up 3 and down 3. I hover in the same window and I still want to get the last 20-23 off. Geesh, what's a woman got to do??? Okay, I know what I got to do, be consistant and be desperate for it. My busy time is just kicking off...home school. Whooppee! I enjoy it, it is just all consuming.

Nice to hear from you again.


Chickadeeva said...

You said the whole truth: "The important thing is that we keep going."

So many times I look at myself, my failings, my mistakes, and I want to curl up and die. The important thing is that I keep going. I have no true appreciation of what an idiot I truly was until I have some time and distance there :-)

Hang in there!