Thursday, November 01, 2007


There is a danger lurking in many of your homes....

It looks innocent enough, but the innocence hides the true danger.....


It comes in many colors, flavors and shapes. It is in small bite-sized portions. It can hide in your hand, your purse and you can wad many wrappers up in the garbage can next to your bed and few will know - but it is DANGEROUS!


Well, if you haven't already allotted yourself a small portion and set it aside so you can look at it longingly while you're 'earning' them, then you're in denial. You're in denial that candy can touch your scale. But it can dear one, it can.

SO - put a few aside. DO NOT EAT THEM but store them somewhere where you can see them. Make up something for you to do to 'earn them' - run an extra few minutes on the treadmill, or do a few extra pushups. Then when you do earn them, EAT THEM SLOWLY AND DELIBERATELY. Smell the cheap chocolate. Savor the peanuts.

Then wash your hands. THAT'S RIGHT I SAID WASH YOUR HANDS!

(or even better - brush your teeth!)

Washing your hands, or brushing your teeth sends a message to your brain that you are DONE. Be done with the candy until another day. (Make sure to tell your inner child when that day is and what you have to do to earn another goodie).

You too can avoid danger by preparing (making a plan) and managing candy!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

THANK you for this! Sweets don't usually tempt me too much, but there is the HUGE bowl of cheap chocolate (that I will smell. lol!) sitting here, and it's so easy to just grab one whenever I walk by. Thank you for a brilliant strategy for dealing with that bowl of candy. :-)