Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Oh swinging scale
I know you well
You left and right my efforts

Oh swinging scale
You know me well
You measure and count my intake

Oh swinging scale
I have to tell
Your secrets to my friends

Oh swinging scale
Please go to hell-o?
What is this? Scale o-mine?

The pounds are lower?
The number is fine!
Oh scale! Blessed Scale!
I love you so much!

(ok, didn't know how to end it - but you get the idea)


~Jennifer said...


You've captured that love/hate relationship with the scale pretty well I'd say. :-)

I'm not in love with mine today, but then PMS is hard on all relationships, right?

Mom said...

I love it and I love the ending too. I have a love/hate relationship with my scale too.

Kristina said...

This was cute Elicia. : )

How about ending it:
Oh Scale! Blessed Scale!
Today you border on Divine.

That's what came to me anyways. : )

I've been thinking about wtiting another poem for a while now, about excersise of all things.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Funny. Very good expression of the love hate thing.

Good job, word master. Welcome back to poetry land.
