Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A Goofy Confession

Ladies, this little story is so embarrasing that I would not share this with ANYONE else in the world (so of course I'll just post it here on the Internet instead), but the only thing holding my pants up today is a paperclip and a prayer.

Here's what happened:

I haven't made it to the cleaners this week so this morning I put on a pair of suit pants that I was wearing pretty regularly last May. I haven't lost THAT much since then so I figured it wouldn't be a big deal. Oh boy was I wrong. Having your pants ride around your hips is one thing; accidentally stepping on your hem and flashing your panties to a (thankfully) empty parking garage while your still-buttoned and still-zipped pants are around your knees is quite another.

The only thing in my purse I could use to hold my clothes onto my body was one of those black clamp paperclips which is now hidden under the bottom of my sweater and being used to drop 3-4 inches from the waist of these pants.

It's great that we're losing weight and that we're moving to smaller sizes but geez-Louise, ladies, this is getting embarrassing!

(Full Disclosure: I am now down 4.5 pounds from the Upper Plateau, and the panties were purple.)


Chickadeeva said...

You are hysterical!

I'm so glad of your loss, but it looks like you need to get to the cleaners more often :-)

Love this post - thanks for posting - and, in the cause of solidarity, I'm wearing purple undies right now too :-)

Kristina said...

Hilareous Lisa! I'm so glad that the parking garage was empty! I would have DIED of embarrassment.

And hurray for breaking the plateau!

Mom2the6Rs said...

That is a FULL disclosure, Lisa! Well, I think that any woman who would purchase purple panties should have at least one pants around the ankle event in her life, don't you????

So cute! I guess it is a good problem to have. You should donate those pants ASAP.

Love, Jules

Amy Witt said...

What a hoot. Luckily it was pretty warm this week!! You are such a hoot.

SueAnne said...

You crack me up! Congratulations! Is your ticker accurate? My new goal is to get DOWN to my actual ticker weight (this would be four pounds)-and for the record, I am also sporting purple undergarments:)

Kimberly B. said...

You ladies have more courage than I do. I haven"t bought panties with color since I married my husband 9 years ago. I'm too embarrassed for him to see me naked anyway, what does he care what color my panties are right? But I can definitly say that some day in the (year) future I will go to Victoria Secrets to the first time ever and blow his socks off.