Thursday, December 21, 2006

Minivan Report

1. Today I started my day with listening to a teaching on Philipians while I cleaned the house to get ready for company. I have it saved on my iPod and can listen where I left off. I listened to Christmas music and worship music today.
2. I ate in moderation and control today. I did not overeat nor did I eat when I was not hungry.
3. I drank 6 glasses today. Any suggestions for getting the stuff down?
4. I did not get to exercise today as we had company all day.

Thank you all for the encouragements and prayers. I value it!!!
Until tomorrow,


Chickadeeva said...

Way to Go!

It looks like the habit is beginning to take hold. I've heard it can take about two weeks of solid doing before an action becomes engrained. You're on your way!

I have to confess, I'm really bad about drinking water myself. What seems to help me is having pint glasses with water around the house so I drink em when I see em.

There are some kind of cool looking crystal lite packets that add flavor to the water - maybe that'll help get it down? I'm not a nutrasweet gal, so I can't do it, but I may ask my family in France to mail me some water flavorings.

Kimberly B. said...

Wow, you seem to have your eating habits under control very well. Way to go with that! I put lemon slices in my water. I make a pitcher of it and put it in the fridge in front of the milk and soda. My kids tend to drink whatever they see first. At least this works in my house. Give it a try. Good luck.

Paige said...

Crystal Light.

Lisa said...

For the water, I have to drink 1 or 2 full glasses at a time and basically chug them. I'm not usually one of those people who can sip all day long and get enough.

(At parties, however, I HAVE to have a drink in my hand and I drink ALOT. Given this requirement, I usually make the drink water and I can down a good 7 or 8 bottles in the span of a 4 hour party)

Oh, yeah - if I am just sipping, Hawaiian Punch makes a good sugar free mix which I dilute down so it's not so strong and I drink that.