Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Jingle Jiggle Update

I've been doing mine - 1/2 hour of leg/ab work per night. I have conscripted TWO more people. One will do some workout on their equipment at home, and my mom as agreed to lift her handweights every night during TV watching.

What about YOU?


Kristina said...

I'm getting back into working out every day again. Last week I only worked out three times.
I'm on my period, and have actually gained a few pounds... sigh. I need to get my water intake up to my crazy amounts again, and no more pumpkin chocolate-chip cookies for this gal!
Good for you Elicia. I think I'll have to do a set of stairs today now.

SueAnne said...

I am going to follow in Kristina's foot steps and do my stairs everyday (starting today) and challenge myself to do more each time:)

Lisa said...

No comment. I'm close to my goal but not perfect. I just need to keep from getting discouraged.