Friday, December 29, 2006

Report from the Minivan

To start, thank you for the support and encouragement. It is so nice to know I can turn to you all to share what is going on with me.

1. I started the day reading my Bible and praying.
2. I then fell flat on my face in the fridge and snacked and ate like there were not going to be any more meals, EVER. Ok maybe not that bad but I made the mistake of purchasing a food that I KNEW I could not leave alone "for the kids" and then ate more of it than they did. Why do I lie to myself this way. I have got to figure out a way to make veggies "warm and comforting" for winter consumption.
3. I DRANK 9 glasses of water today. I bought a 24 oz bottle with a squirt top and kept it filled all day. If a sippy cup works for my toddler, why not for me!!
4. Last night I walked to the grocery store but today it was pouring rain all day ( my small taste of what you Northwesterners go through) so from SueAnne and someone else who I can't remember right now, I walked the stairs. I made it 6 times with 16 stairs.

Jules, could you post a link to that journal you found? Can you buy it at any Hallmark?

Until tomorrow. Skinny thoughts.


Mom2the6Rs said...

Amy, I have one for you set aside. When they call me, I will mail it to you, my treat.

Love, Jules

Amy Witt said...

:) you made my day!! Thanks.