Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I did my stairs

Hello everyone,

In response to Lisa's Jingle jiggle challenge, I decided to try to do my stairs every day as I know we will not frequent the Y much this month. So the first time I did it, I could do it a wopping 11 times! Ya that's it! (Just don't look to see how many Kristina can do!) I shouldn't even post that, but I have to. So my goal is to go at least one more time each day. Granted, I am not even supposed to have resumed aerobic activity yet (technically supposed to wait a full six weeks following surgery). And the surgery itself, has knocked out my cardiovascular endurance.
ANYWAY- I did 13 (consecutive) today and will do 14 tomarrow, plus I know I do at least that many in the normal course of a day anyway.

I am determined not to gain weight this holiday season, even if I just camp out here on my plateau and don't actually lose any:)


Lisa said...

SueAnne -

That's awesome that you are doing stairs and joining the Jingle Challenge! All the same, PLEASE make sure that you aren't going to hurt yourself. Your body needs to heal properly so make sure that whatever you do is okay with your doctor. (Okay, Mom/FDA moment over...)

I am absolutely thrilled that I have someone to join me in trying to get off the plateau. Once I've stopped losing weight, but still not gaining any, I find is the hardest time to get motivated. Something about resting on laurels.

Anyway, I'll be thinking about you and the stairs! Go 14!!! :)


Chickadeeva said...

Good for you!!!

Last night I spent an hour on my yoga ball with a five pound ball doing excercises :-)

I'm so glad not to be alone!

(and Lisa- those laurels cause rash)


Kristina said...

Girlfriend! Don't harm yourself. You need enough time to heal. You had some very major surgery. Good for you for getting back to the excercise though... just be careful.


Mom2the6Rs said...

Proud of you, SueAnne. I knew you would become "reinspired"...it just takes time to take in a deep breath, reface the mountain, and start the climb again.

Love, Jules