Thursday, March 01, 2007

March Challenge

Okay Ladies, it's the first of the month and I feel a challenge coming on...

For the month of March, I challenge myself to (1) write down all of the water I drink (since I'm so bad at keeping track) and (2) run at least twice a week, in addition to my regular tennis and racquetball schedule.

Does anyone else feel like challenging themselves this month?


Kimberly B. said...

I will see your challenge and I will say that I challenge myself to work out 5 times a week, every week this month. Also I challenge myself to loose AT LEAST 8 more pounds this month.

Lisa said...

Awesome, Kimberly! Any other takers?

Amy Witt said...

I am in too. I see your challenge and will work out 4 days per week, write down my food intake and water and lose this month.

THanks for the challenge!!

~Jennifer said...

I'm going to challenge myself to write down what I eat. In fact, I'm going to email it to a friend who has agreed to exchange food diaries with me.