Thursday, March 15, 2007

Still trying to get better

Hi there,
Sorry I have been out of commission, so to speak. I am still having quite a bit of trouble with my back and have not been to the Y for a total of 16 days now,WOW. I didn't even know that it has been that long until I just figured it out. On Monday my husband had to take me to the Dr. for another shot in my back. I still feel a little stiff and I am still on Ibu. and muscle relaxers. I am also looking for a spine specialist that takes DSHS insurance. My chances are slim to none. If anyone out there knows any doc for backs as far as Seattle (maybe a little further) I would really appreciate the info. Anyway I hope to get back SSLLOOWWLLYY to the Y by next week. Please pray for my speedy recovery. Also my journaling and eating habits are doing well. I have been doing crafts and reading a lot more than usual because of the can't really leave the house much, thing. Talk to you all soon.


~Jennifer said...

Back pain is the worst. Take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Poor thing...especially when you're a mom with such young ones. Sounds like you're doing a good job of taking care of yourself though..good job. Take care!!

Kristina said...

Oh honey, I'm so sorry to hear that your back is that bad! You try to take care of yourself, and not push yourself back to the gym prematurely.
Great job on keeping up with your diet though. : )

Ana said...

Dear Lord, I pray for Kimberly. May you find the doctor she needs to help her on the road to her recovery. Would you send her the support she needs and father, continue to show her your grace and love and mercy. Amen.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Kimberly, I love you, girl! I am so proud of you and I am sending you mending thoughts.


Kimberly B. said...

Thanks gals.