Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I need some fresh inspiration.

Hey all, ring leader here admitting to all you faithfuls that I need a little rekindling of the fire. I feel like I am too consumed with what my next meal is or what my next "safe" treat might be or what I can "get away with" today and still fit into my size 10's. I have lost a bit of the edge. I don't want to wake up somewhere in time, in the land of the expanding waist size.



Ana said...

Julie- You look great now and in your picture of Hawaii. Summer's coming and you will want to wear that favorite pair of shorts, right? It is hard being a mom and always having to think of meals. You have 6 extra people, who probably want snacks at different times of the day, let alone the three meals of the day. That is a tough one. But you are a SUCCESS an inspiration to me.

Kimberly B. said...

Hey Babe,
I know that keeping focused is a bummer sometimes but keep in mind how far you have come. You do want to look beautiful in a new bathingsuit this summer, right? I know that God will give you the strength and wisdom to make the right choices today and on. Take every day as it comes. One step at a time, ok.I love you. Call me if you need a deeper peep talk. ;-)

Anonymous said...


Sounds like you may need some "personal" in your busy life too!!! Take a nice long bath and read a magazine by candle light.

You take such good care of us and your family...that you deserve some YOU time.

Just think....And this too shall pass and I'm praying for God to put on your heart exactly what you need to get through the slump!!!

~Jennifer said...

Maybe it's time to discover a new passion or rediscover an old one. I haven't made glass beads in over two years, but I keep looking longingly at them lately. I'm itching to do it again. My corner of the garage that I think of as my "studio" is cluttered and full of bikes and lawn equipment. Just cleaning that spot out will burn several hundred calories, and then I can make beads again. Doing something that I love that much is the best cure for overeating. Is there something you've always wanted to learn, but never took seriously enough to take the first step? Time to do that!