Friday, March 23, 2007

I'm Thuper, Thankth for Athking!

No, I have no idea about the title. It just came out. Some people write creatively, others write like Daffy Duck, and there's just no getting around that sometimes.

After more than several weeks of general funk, I am hereby declaring that I will BREAK OUT and simply GET OVER IT already! No more slacking! No more whining! No more pity of any sort! Just good old fashioned get-in-gear.

To that end, I'm running a 10K this weekend. I re-upped for my Monday evening racquetball group, I'm playing tennis in a regular Thursday night game and a Saturday morning class, and I'm going to think of more activities to get me out of the Y (where, to be honest, I'm a little bored at the moment) and into the sunshine.

Any additional suggestions will be most welcome.


~Jennifer said...

Wow! When you break out and get over it, you really do it right! Good job.

Kristina said...

Love the title of your post Lisa. : )
Wow! You're gonna run a 10k?!?! What are you, a natural born runner? Sheesh!

Chickadeeva said...

Clever cover up you closet South Park watcher ;-)

You kick Arse!

Lisa said...

Is that where that's from, Elicia? I had a friend who works with kids and for some reason they all kept saying that to her several years ago and it stuck with me....but your explanation makes a lot more sense.

Chickadeeva said...

Yes, its from Gay Al's character. He sings a song, "I'm Super, thanks for asking" and he's got a lisp.