Saturday, March 17, 2007

Here I Am -- Stay Tuned For Shrinkage

I wanted to show the difference 9 days and four pounds could make in my appearance, but the angles are different in each shot and I actually look a little bigger in the 2nd photos, but I'm not. If you look reeeeally close you can see that my jeans are a bit looser and my belly roll is a bit smaller. I weigh 234.2 in the photos on the left and I weigh 230.4 in the photos on the right. (I don't know why the pictures keep disappearing. The html code shows them, but they go away. hmmm. I'll try uploading a different way.)


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the shrinkage!! Good job. If you look also, in your right picture, you skin is just beautiful!! You must've been drinking your water :0) Good job on getting back on track. Once you've lost it for a little while, I've noticed that it's hard to get back on track SO....congratulations for being there :0)

Kimberly B. said...

I can definitely tell the difference. Good job. Keep up the good job.

Lisa said...

You sure look purty in that second picture! :)

And remember that every journey of a thousand miles begins with four pou...I mean a single step.