Monday, March 12, 2007

This weekend

Ok I admit it, this weekend was a bust for me. I was a bottomless pit (that time of the month). I am not going to continue in my binge state. Today is a new day and I will seize it! To success this week, may we all acheive it even in the smallest of ways. Have a great week ladies.


~Jennifer said...

Hey, last weekend began with margaritas and chips and salsa on Friday night and then waaaay too much pizza on Saturday night. I was very careful with what I ate for the rest of the week and then ended up losing over 3 pounds for that week. (It was that time of month for me too.) So, all is not lost. You can blow it on the weekend and still have a great week.

Amy Witt said...

Thank you for your honesty. It helps me to know I am not in this boat alone.

Lisa said...

Kimi, that's great that you're not letting a couple days of indiscretions get you down. You are consistently the most positive person in this group, and I really think that makes the difference between "messed up and kept on going" and "messed up but got right back on track." I'm sure you will successfully do the latter!

Good luck! Lisa

Kristina said...

Kimi, we ALL eat more during our monthly visitor. I can be a down right pig. If I don't work out, especially during my period, I will gain extra weight that 'aint water weight.