Thursday, March 15, 2007

THE Best Cure for a PIZZA Craving

I've incorporated a one day a week blow-the-diet-meal into my weight loss plan, which I usually spend on date night Fridays with my husband. I've had a craving for pizza this week, though, and yesterday I almost ordered some for dinner. I resisted, but thought about it again this morning,...until I weighed myself.

I'm down another 3.4 pounds in just a week, and that has motivated me to pass on the fattening take-out pizza. I think I will take care of the craving, and still stick to my plan by getting some take-n-bake pizza instead. I remembered what I did with my pizza cravings a few years ago when I lost weight. I scrape off a bunch of the cheese, remove the pepperoni, and replace it with grilled chicken breast and pineapple chunks. I don't miss the extra cheese, and I quiet that pizza craving without totally blowing my healthy eating streak.

I will also limit myself to only 2 pieces, and have a salad on the side. That's a biggie for me, but if I decide ahead of time that that's what I'll do it's easier. I will also sit down and enjoy every single bite instead of chowing down in front of the TV or computer. Usually pizza nights are an every-man-for-himself occasion in our house, but I think we'll make it a regular family dinner tonight. I tend to not overeat that way.


Kristina said...

Down ANOTHER 3.4 pounds?!?! What are you doing?!

Way to go girl, I'm proud of you!!!

Kimberly B. said...

Congrats on the wonderful weight loss. Great idea for your pizza night. Pizza is a big one in our house, but mostly just for the kids. And I really understand, all-for-your self. My big problem was Subway. Sandwiches and me go hand in hand. But I haven't had one for almost eight weeks. I'm almost not even craving them anymore. I never thought that would come out of my mouth. Anyway, keep up the good job.

~Jennifer said...

At my height and weight I can get away with eating a lot and not gaining weight. Well, I'm eating A LOT less than normal, but still not skipping meals. So, I went from not exercising at all and eating a whole bunch to exercising almost every day and eating a more sensible amount of food. Plus I'm making healthier choices which helps keep the cravings at bay. I'm thinking this is just an initial burst of weight loss and that it will slow down.

Anonymous said...

That's funny because we were craving pizza last week. My husband told me about how his Grandma used to make little pizzas on top of English Muffins. So I made them and with Prism, am allowed 1 Whole Wheat English muffin. I toast the muffin first so it's crunchy. I had it with salad also. So with 2 pizzas (2 halves) and the salad that totally cured my craving for A LOT less calories. I even put 3 pieces of pepperoni on each one. It's also good with veggies....mmmmm sounds good. That's usually our Friday dinner but with being sick, I forgot to get the stuff to make it.

Kimberly B. said...

ooooohhh that pizza sounds so good.

~Jennifer said...

Oh, did you know about turkey pepperoni?! It tastes as good as regular, but a lot fewer calories.

Mom2the6Rs said...

I put pizza toppings on my rice cakes. Yum.


Mom2the6Rs said...

Wow on the weight loss, by the way! What a great accomplishment. If you ladies haven't checked out Jennifer's blog, you should. She is a lot more reavealing there...she even posts photos! Her blog is:

It is on the sidebar.
