Friday, March 23, 2007

I've registered for my FIRST race!

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Next Saturday I'll be lacing up my tennies, and meeting my dad to run my first race ever. Well, minus all of the sprints that I did as a teenanger...
Anyhow, I've signed up to run a 5k. I'm not feeling brave enough to try a 10k like Lisa yet. But I'm excited. This is a big deal for me. Remember, I'm the girl a little over a year ago that got winded, just by walking up a set of stairs!


~Jennifer said...

Very cool, looking back a year seems like such a short time to have accomplished so much. Looking ahead, as I am, it seems like forever. I'd sure love to be on your end of the year. ;-)

Chickadeeva said...

I am so impressed. You know Kris, I have always loved you, but now I'm totally in awe of you. I can't imagine wanting to run - but I love that you can not only share this with your boys, but your dad gets to enjoy your company too! I'm sure he's gonna be beaming!

Mom2the6Rs said...

You are amazing...impressive...wonderful...tenacious...beautiful...thoughtful...and kick a-- strong, babe. Way to go!

Run Kristina, run.
