Thursday, March 22, 2007

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

Binging on the weekend and then repenting during the week is apparently not the most effective way to lose weight, so I'll be rethinking that particular strategy. I updated my weight ticker today. I only lost a little over half a pound. It's my goal to lose two pounds a week. Considering I lost over three pounds a week two weeks in a row, I'm still ahead of my goal schedule, but I can do better.

I have to stop flirting with pizza. Pizza is a fickle lover anyway.

Pizza, I will always love you, but we have to stop seeing each other for a while. I can't change who you are, and I don't want to do that. Until I change myself we can't even be friends. You have so many other lovers, I know you won't even miss me, but I'll miss you. Goodbye.


Kristina said...

I laughed OUT LOUD when I read your post Jennifer! Good for you!


Chickadeeva said...

This made me laugh too! Good Job Jennifer!

Mom2the6Rs said...

Very funny, this went into the share with husband file....he laughed, too.