Monday, October 23, 2006

What was your lightbulb moment?

So I am trying to find ways to inspire me to get back on the weight loss wagon. Would all of you please share with me the moment that you said to yourself that you needed to lose weight? I'm also wondering what made this time different then all the other times you tried to lose weight and weren't successful at it?

Thanks for sharing and inspiring me
Coreen :)


Paige said...

I've had a couple. The first time I lost significant weight, my "fat pants" were so tight that I had to change them before going to an evening meeting. Had to buy SWEATS at Old Navy to get through the night.

The most recent one? That I've been able to maintain, so far? Is medical. If I didn't lose weight, my insulin would keep soaring through the roof. High insulin = impending diabetes. Also = difficulty getting pregnant. And so, I've lost weight. And kept going.

This time different?? The motivation is different. And I feel so much better. And I'm finding ways to live with it- to make my life less about writing down every morsel I eat and more about- how do I live in a healthy way, but still live? And not be miserable all the time? I started by calling this time a DIET. Insisted it wasn't a "lifestyle change" because for me- ME- that was too overwhelming. I have said all along- this is a diet, if I want to stop I can. Somehow that made it easier. once I got used to my "diet" and saw and felt success, it felt easier to say- huh, maybe I can just keep doing this? And I have.

Lisa said...

Who said I wasn't successful the last time I lost weight? I lost 40 lbs. and kept it off for a couple of years but slowly gained it all back. Then, my lightbulb moment was standing in front of the mirror in my bra and panties and noticing that the backs of my legs looked like someone had hit me with a bag of nickels. So I toned up and looked great for swimsuit season.

This go around, it was when a pair of shorts I bought many years ago actually fastened. They were too small, but I figured I could wear them again - it wasn't outside the realm of the impossible.

I wore them this summer and it felt great.

Before, I've always lost weight quickly and as a dedicated effort. This time, I'm focusing on making small changes in my lifestyle (like eating breakfast, milk in my coffee instead of cream, etc.) and being patient just to see what comes out of it. It's a slow process, a little frustrating, but I'm hoping this passive approach will be maintainable long term.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Corrine, My aha moment THIS time was Kirsty Ally. Funny, eh? Since I am not doing JC. I am an avid Oprah watcher, I tivo her shows and watch them on the week nights after my kids are in bed or during my lunch break from homeschool if her shows are appropriate for the whole crew to see. Anyway, I saw the show where Ms. Fat Actress, Kirsty Ally, was on her show, saying she was fed up and was going to start Jenny Craig. I identified with her so much and she is so stinking funny, I think the humor got through to me. Well, I just kept living my life and about 4 or 5 months later, here is Kirsty on Oprah and she has lost so much weight! She is full of energy and "on her way" to her goals and she is a different person. I look at myself and I realize that I am at the same weight I was when Kirsty started her program and if I had just started when she did, I would be celebrating, too! That was one of my big moments.

I had also had a bad cholesterol report the previous July, which effected my life insurance rate. My hubby was really concerned with that and wanted me to be healthy. He has never requested me to be skinny or put preasure on me to be the trophy wife, but I knew he would feel so much better if this mother of 5 wasn't at risk for a heart attack, leaving him with the care of all these BABIES! January 2nd is his birthday, and I had it in my mind that I wanted to get healthy for him (and for me) as a birthday present for him. So I started Prism on Jan. 6th.

When I did Prism after Riley was born and had such success (the time of our lives when you and I met) I really was sold on the program and it worked for me. Sugar is the key with me, I just can't allow it or I feel icky and my eating gets out of control. I had tried Weight Watchers after Reese was born, and had some success (lost 23 lbs.), but I also was so dependent on sugar during that time and eventually it won the battle. I lost my resolve back then to really conquer the weight and I ran scared at the idea that it would be something I had to do my WHOLE LIFE! I, like Paige, was much happier to see it as a mere diet that I could begin and end when I saw fit. I now am comfortable with the idea that this will be my LIFE. I have embraced that and I am good with it.

Keys for me:

Seeing that time is a river and it will take you in the direction you point yourself in. If you start on a path of health, that "river" will draw you to your destination if you don't get off the boat.

Cutting out the sugar.

This blog and my weight loss group.

The YMCA supporting my eating efforts (Curves worked for me, too, when I went there)

Believing that I was worth it and that it is Christian to take care of one's own self and not sacrifice your own health to meet the needs of those who love you.

Talking my friends into walking the path with me!

Love you, Corrie. I believe in you!
